联系方式:mdpan{at}mail.ustc.edu.cn 或者 maodong{at}nuaa.edu.cn
副教授 (2021.1至今):
访问教授 (2023.11-2023.12):
合作导师: Bert Jüttler
博士后 (2017.6-2020.12):
合作导师: 陈发来
博士后 (2020.3-2020.9):
奥地利科学院 RICAM 研究所
合作导师: Bert Jüttler
博士后 (2019.3-2020.2):
合作导师: Bert Jüttler
硕博连读 (2012.9-2017.6):
导师: 陈发来
本科 (2008.9-2012.7):
Algorithms and Data Structures for Cs-smooth RMB-splines of Degree 2s+1
Maodong Pan*, Ruijie Zou, Bert Jüttler (* corresponding author)
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 114:102389, 2024.
G1-smooth Planar Parameterization of Complex Domains for Isogeometric Analysis
Maodong Pan, Ruijie Zou, Weihua Tong, Yujie Guo, Falai Chen
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 417,Part A:116330, 2023.
Local Linear Independence of Bilinear (and Higher Degree) B-splines on Hierarchical T-meshes
Lisa Groiss, Bert Jüttler, Maodong Pan* (* corresponding author)
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 103:102190, 2023.
Implicit Dynamic Buckling Analysis of Thin-shell Isogeometric
Structures Considering Geometric Imperfections
Yujie Guo, Maodong Pan, Xiaohui Wei, Fei Luo, Fangbin Sun, Martin Ruess
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 124:1055–1088, 2023.
Constructing Planar Domain Parameterization with HB-splines via Quasi-conformal Mapping
Maodong Pan, Falai Chen
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 97:102133, 2022.
Fast Formation of Matrices for Least-Squares Fitting by Tensor-Product Spline Surfaces
Sandra Merchel, Bert Jüttler, Dominik Mokriš, Maodong Pan* (* corresponding author)
Computer-Aided Design, 150:103307, 2022.
Penalty Function-based Volumetric Parameterization Method for Isogeometric Analysis
Ye Ji, Mengyun Wang, Maodong Pan, Yi Zhang, Chungang Zhu
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 94:102081, 2022.
Efficient Matrix Computation for Isogeometric Discretizations with Hierarchical B-splines in Any Dimension
Maodong Pan*, Bert Jüttler, Felix Scholz (* corresponding author)
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 388:114210, 2022.
Fast Formation of Isogeometric Galerkin Matrices via Integration by Interpolation and Look-up
Maodong Pan, Bert Jüttler, Alessandro Giust
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 366:113005, 2020.
Volumetric Spline Parameterization for Isogeometric Analysis
Maodong Pan, Falai Chen, Weihua Tong
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 359:112769, 2020.
Spectral Mesh Segmentation via ℓ0 Gradient Minimization
Weihua Tong*, Xiankang Yang*, Maodong Pan, Falai Chen (* joint first authors)
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 26(4):1807-1820, 2020.
Low-rank Parameterization of Volumetric Domains for Isogeometric Analysis
Maodong Pan*, Falai Chen
Computer-Aided Design, 114:82-90, 2019.
Boundary Correspondence of Planar Domains for Isogeometric Analysis Based on Optimal Mass Transport
Ye Zheng, Maodong Pan*, Falai Chen* (* corresponding authors)
Computer-Aided Design, 114:28-36, 2019.
Low-rank parameterization of planar domains for isogeometric analysis
Maodong Pan, Falai Chen, Weihua Tong
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 63:1-16, 2018.
Phase-field guided surface reconstruction based on implicit hierarchical B-splines
Maodong Pan, Weihua Tong, Falai Chen
Computer Aided Geometric Design, 52-53(9):154-169, 2017.
Compact Implicit Surface Reconstruction via Low-rank Tensor Approximation
Maodong Pan, Weihua Tong, Falai Chen
Computer-Aided Design, 78(9):158-167, 2016.
陈发来, 潘茂东
数据建模与计算案例, 科学出版社, ISBN:9787030747396, 2023年9月.
On Tensor-Product Bases of PHT-Spline Spaces
Lisa Groiss, Bert Jüttler, Maodong Pan
Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis Meet Algebra, Geometry, Topology, Springer, ISBN:9789819765089, 2024.
"面向CAD/CAE一体化的关键几何计算理论", 线上报告, 华北水利水电大学, 郑州, 12月28日, 2024.
"面向CAD/CAE一体化的关键几何计算理论与方法", 第五届江苏工程师大会, 大会邀请报告, 南京, 12月19日, 2024.
"面向复杂几何模型的设计、分析与优化一体化框架", 江苏省数学会计算数学分会青年学者学术论坛, 南京, 12月13-15日, 2024.
"面向复杂几何模型的曲面重建与区域参数化技术", 南京信息工程大学, 南京, 9月14日, 2024.
"Efficient Matrix Assembly for Isogeometric Analysis", 南京师范大学, 南京, 8月13日, 2024.
"等几何分析方法的理论与应用", 中国图学学会第七届“奋发图强”青年科学家论坛,大会特邀报告, 大连, 7月19-7月21日, 2024.
"面向CAD/CAE一体化的关键几何计算理论与方法", 第十三届江苏省计算机大会,大会特邀报告, 南京, 6月14-6月16日, 2024.
"等几何分析方法及相关数学问题", 中国数学会 2023 年学术年会, 大连, 12月22-12月26日, 2023.
"面向CAD/CAE一体化的关键几何计算理论", 江苏省工业与应用数学学会 2023 年学术年会, 大会特邀报告, 南京, 12月22-12月24日, 2023.
"Efficient Matrix Assembly for Isogeometric Analysis", 等几何分析与有限元研讨会, 国家天元数学东北中心, 吉林大学, 长春, 7月20-22日, 2023.
"Sum-factorization Techniques in Isogeometric Analysis", 第十三届中国数学会计算数学年会, 南京, 7月15-7月19日, 2023.
"Domain Parameterization and Efficient Matrix Assembly for Isogeometric Analysis", 第十三届中国数学会计算机数学大会, 大会特邀报告, 大连, 6月15-6月18日, 2023.
"CAD/CAE一体化技术及相关数学问题", 2023 江苏省计算数学学术年会, 大会特邀报告, 盐城, 5月26-5月28日, 2023.
"CAD/CAE一体化技术及相关数学问题", 第二十届全国流体力学数值方法研讨会, 南京, 3月31-4月2日, 2023.
"Volumetric Domain Parameterization and Matrix Assembly for Isogeometric Analysis", 江苏省工业与应用数学学会2021年年会, 江南大学, 无锡, 9月2-3日, 2022, Online Talk.
"Fast Formation of Matrices for Least-Squares Fitting by Tensor-Product Spline Surfaces", Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, Singapore, June 27-29, 2022, Online Talk.
"Efficient Matrix Computation for Isogeometric Discretizations with Hierarchical B-splines in Any Dimension", Virtual International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis, Lyon, France, September 26-29, 2021, Online Talk.
"Planar Domain Parameterization with Hierarchical B-splines", 16th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 25-29, 2021, Online Talk.
"Fast Formation of Matrices in Isogeometric Analysis", Workshop on the Theory and Application of Isogeometric Analysis, 国家天元数学东北中心, 吉林大学, 长春, 7月20-22日, 2021.
"Efficient Matrix Assembly in Isogeometric Analysis", 苏州大学, 苏州, 5月11-12日, 2021.
"Domain Parameterization for Isogeometric Analysis", 南京应用数学中心, 南京, 4月29日, 2021.
"Domain Parameterization for Isogeometric Analysis", 线上报告, 华南理工大学, 广州, 11月20日, 2020.
"Fast Formation of Isogeometric Galerkin Matrices via Integration by Interpolation and Look-up", 2nd workshop of the ERC project CHANGE, Sestri Levante, (GE), Italy, November 25-27, 2019.
"Integration by Interpolation, Look-up and Sum Factorization for Galerkin-based Isogeometric Analysis", 15th NFN seminar, bifeb, Strobl, Austria, October 1-3, 2019.
"Low-rank Parameterization of Volumetric Domains for Isogeometric Analysis", Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2019, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, June 17-21, 2019.
"Volumetric Spline Parameterization for Isogeometric Analysis", SIAM Conference on Computational Geometric Design 2019, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, June 17-21, 2019.
"Phase-field Guided Surface Reconstruction Based on Implicit Hierarchical B-splines", International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Processing 2017, 厦门, 4月17-19日, 2017.
"Compact Implicit Surface Reconstruction via Low-rank Tensor Approximation", The International Geometry Summit 2016, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, June 20-24, 2016.
"A Low-rank Surface Reconstruction Algorithm Based on Hierarchical Implicit Tensor-product B-spline Surfaces", 第七届全国计算机数学大会, 中国科学技术大学, 合肥, 10月30-11月2日, 2015.
GAMES 执行委员会委员
国际会议 Shape Modeling International (SMI 2025) 程序委员会委员
全国几何设计与计算学术会议 (GDC 2022/2023/2024) 程序委员会委员
中国计算机图形学大会 (Chinagraph 2024) 程序委员会委员
多次担任 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Computer-Aided Design, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Journal of Computational Physics, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Applied Numerical Mathematics, The Visual Computer, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, Mathematics 等期刊的审稿人